2025 Summer Sailing

Registration for our 2025 Summer Sailing Program will go live on Wednesday, March 5th @ 1230 PST.

2025 Summer Sailing will consist of four two-week sessions and one one-week session of sailing. Classes are split into half day sessions, Morning (8:45-12:00) and Afternoon (1:00-4:30). Learn to sail classes are held in the morning while racing-level classes are in the afternoon.


  • Session #1: 6/16- 6/27 (no class 6/19, Juneteenth)

  • Session #2: 6/30- 7/11 (no class 7/4, Independence Day)

  • Session #3: 7/14- 7/25

  • Session #4: 7/28- 8/8 (no class 8/1, SB Fiesta Parade)

  • Session #5: 8/11- 8/15 (One Week)

  • NOTE: Garibaldis will run as one-week sessions only

For more information, please contact SBYSF Program Director Nick Kaschak:

  • Sbysf.director@gmail.com

  • 805-965-4603

Cancellations within 14 days from the first scheduled day of that class shall receive a 50% refund. Cancellations on or after the start date of a class will not be refunded. All refunds are subject to a $25 processing fee.

MORNING Classes (8:45am-Noon)

Garibaldis (LEvel 1: Learn to sail)

Note: Beginning Summer 2025, Garibaldis will be run as a one-week course for all Sessions.

Prerequisites: None! This is our introductory, learn-to-sail class for sailors 5-7 year olds. Sailors aged five years old must have completed one year of Kindergarten.

Description: Our Garibaldis class is aimed at the youngest sailors to learn sailing in a comfortable environment. Sailors are paired up with a partner and an instructor in a 14’ CFJ dinghy. Sailors get the opportunity to learn: steering, sail trim, nautical terminology, rigging, and points of sails. All with the comfort of having an instructor in the boat alongside them!

Novice Optimist SailCube (LEvel 1: Learn to sail)

Prerequisites: None! This is our introductory, learn-to-sail class for sailors 7-11 year olds. Sailors ages 7+ who have completed our Garibaldis program should enroll in our Novice class.

This is our introductory sailing class geared towards first-time sailors and first-time program participants. Sailed in 8’ pram style dinghies, known as Optimist SailCubes, sailors gain hands on experience under the supervision of our instructors. This class has a linear progression that teaches and builds on fundamental skills such as; rigging your boat, steering, body placement, sail trim, tacking/gybing, sail theory and much more! Sailors spend their part of their time sailing doublehanded and part time “solo” in their Optimist Sailcube.

Intermediate Optimist (Level 2)

Prerequisites: Enrollment in the SBYSF Spring or Fall, Novice or Intermediate Optimist Fleet prior participation in last summer’s Intermediate Optimist class.

Description: The Intermediate Optimist class is meant to be a launchpad from Novice to Green Fleet Racing. Sailors continue to build strong fundamentals such as; accurate steering, weight placement, sail trim, sailing on all points of sail and boat maintenance. Additionally, this class offers a light introduction to sailboat racing in a fun constructive manner! Sailors spend their time “solo” in their Optimist.

Intro doublehanded Cfj sailing (Level 1: LEARN TO SAIL, 12-17)

Prerequisites: None! CFJ Intro Doublehanded Sailing is designed for pre-teen and teenage sailors with little to no sailing experience. Sailors learn the fundamentals of sailing in our 14’ CFJ dinghies.

Description: This is our introductory class for sailors ages of 12-17. Sailors learn with a partner in the CFJ dinghy which is commonly raced through the United States. Sailors will gain familiarity with sailing in a fun environment. Skills covered include: parts of the boat, rigging, steering, sail trim, tacking/gybing and loads more!

Afternoon Classes (1:00- 4:30)

Green Fleet Optimist Racing (Level 3: Learn to race)

Prerequisites: Enrollment in the SBYSF Spring or Fall program in the Optimist Intermediate or Optimist Green Fleet Racing are ideal precursors for this Summer Session class.

Description: Welcome to the world of youth sailboat racing!  This exciting step is aimed to have sailors gain knowledge and skills necessary to start racing.  Topics covered include; basic rules of racing, starting technique, race course familiarity, more advanced boat handling, introduction to boat speed and more.

SBYSF Friday Summer Racing Series will be held weekly.

Champ Fleet Optimist RacE TEAM (Level 4: Performance racing)

Prerequisites: Current participation in SBYSF’s Optimist Champ Fleet and/or approval by SBYSF Program Director and Head Optimist Coach. Racing at a similar program is also subject to approval.

Description: SBYSF’s Optimist Champ Fleet is a high-level training group working towards success. The class is aimed at providing sailors the skills necessary to compete at the regional, national and international level. Many participants are actively racing at the USODA National-level.  Coaches follow a programming model which is tuned toward addressing and working on sailors weaknesses and strengths. Many topics are covered including; advanced boat handling, boat speed work, improved training processes, starting technique, strategy/tactics, team racing and racing rules. 

SBYSF Friday Summer Racing Series will be held weekly.

INtermediate/CFJ Racing (Level 2/3: Learn to Race)

Prerequisites: Completion of SBYSF’s Introduction to Doublehanded Program and/or any of the following programs: High School Varsity Sailing, Champ Fleet Optimist Race Team. Some sailors may require (2) Introduction to Doublehanded classes to feel comfortable.

Description: SBYSF’s Intermediate/CFJ Racing Class is designed for sailors ages 12-17 who are interested in continuing their skill progression in doublehanded boats. This program’s curriculum will elaborate upon the fundamentals learned in our morning Introduction to Doublehanded program. Sailors will gain experience sailing with a spinnaker on the CFJ dinghy as well as an introduction to sailboat racing: starting, tactics, strategy, and more. This program is well suited for sailors interested in joining their high school sailing teams during the school year and participating in our High School Varsity Sailing Program.

ILCA (Laser) RAcE TEAM (Level 4: Performance Racing)

Prerequisites: Current participation in SBYSF’s Laser Racing Program. 8+ months experience training in and/or racing the Laser dinghy. Approval by SBYSF Program Director.

Sailors are required to provide their own Laser/ILCA dinghy and associated equipment. Limited charter boats are available.

Description: SBYSF’s Laser Group will comprise of sailors who have been actively campaigning the Laser dinghy at regional, national, and international levels.  Sailor should have a minimum of eight months training in the Laser dinghy. On the water training programs will focus on the refinement of boathandling and boatspeed techniques as well as starting and race strategy. Sailors should actively supplement their sailing with weekly fitness routines. Additionally, sailors should be actively racing the Laser at high-levels of competition.

SBYSF Friday Summer Racing Series will be held weekly.