2023 Winter Break Program
SBYSF is happy to announce our first ever Winter Break learn-to-sail Program! Our Winter Break Program will run the week of 12/18-22 during the hours of 0830-1200. This program will operate in a similar fashion to Summer Sailing.
Registration for the 2023 Winter Break Program will go live on Thursday, December 7th @ 1230 PST.
Class offerings:
Novice Optimist
Intermediate Optimist
Class Descriptions:
Prerequisites: None! This is our introductory, learn-to-sail class for sailors 5-7 year olds. Sailors aged five years old must be currently enrolled in kindergarten
Description: Our Garibaldis class is aimed at the youngest sailors to learn sailing in a comfortable environment. Sailors are paired up with a partner and an instructor in a 14’ CFJ dinghy. Sailors get the opportunity to learn: steering, sail trim, nautical terminology, rigging, and points of sails. All with the comfort of having an instructor in the boat alongside them!
Prerequisites: None! This is our introductory, learn-to-sail class for sailors 7-11 year olds.
This is our introductory sailing class geared towards first-time sailors and first-time program participants. Sailed in 8’ pram style dinghies, known as Optimist SailCubes, sailors gain hands on experience under the supervision of our instructors. This class has a linear progression that teaches and builds on fundamental skills such as; rigging your boat, steering, body placement, sail trim, tacking/gybing, sail theory and much more! Sailors spend their part of their time sailing doublehanded and part time “solo” in their Optimist Sailcube.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in the SBYSF Spring or Fall, Novice or Intermediate Optimist Fleet prior participation in last summer’s Intermediate Optimist class.
Description: The Intermediate Optimist class is meant to be a launchpad from Novice to Green Fleet Racing. Sailors continue to build strong fundamentals such as; accurate steering, weight placement, sail trim, sailing on all points of sail and boat maintenance. Additionally, this class offers a light introduction to sailboat racing in a fun constructive manner! Sailors spend their time “solo” in their Optimist.